Alkomeeter kangele SpiritFerm 0-100% 16-18cm


Alkomeeter kangele  SpiritFerm 0-100% 16-18cm

Kääritusnõu 30L KAANEGA


Kääritusnõu 30L KAANEGA

Õllepudeli kroonkork 29mm


Õllepudeli kroonkork  29mm/100tk

Pruulimise termomeeter 0°C+100 °C


Pruulimise termomeeter 0°C+100 °C

Roostevabast terasest
termomeeter. Mõõtevahemik 0
°C kuni +100 °C

Width: 7.0cm
Product depth: 7.0cm
Product height: 35.2cm

Traditional Series Saison


Traditional Series Saison

Combination of fruity and spicy flavours that are supported by a soft malt character, a light sourness complements the dry finish.  Peppery phenols give a layer of complexity to the fascinating beer.

Traditional Series Dubbel


Traditional Series Dubbel

Rich and full malty sweetness on the palate yet finished moderately dry.  Complex malt, alcohol and dried fruit flavours are balanced well with the malt.

Traditional Series Abbey


Traditional Series Abbey

Light to moderate malt sweetness but finishes medium – dry to dry with some alcohol becoming evident in the aftertaste.  Soft yeast character with some lightly caramleised sugar or honey-like sweetness on the palate.

Belgian Pale Ale


Belgian Pale Ale

Has an initial soft, malty sweetness with a toasty, biscuity, nutty malt flavour which is followed by an orange and pear-like fruitiness and relaxed spicy zest.

Thomas Coopers 86 Days Pilsner (1.7kg)


It’s golden in colour with subtle malty sweetness and elegant refined herbal notes, a refreshingly clean, crisp bitter finish and rich frothy head. Thankfully, it will take you a lot less than 86 days to make it.

Consists: malt; barley; hops; yeast.

Netto weight: 1,7kg

Expiration date: look at product.

Thomas Coopers Brew A IPA (1.7kg)


Full bodied with deep amber and reddish hues, its tropical, citrusy, grapefruit notes and toasty amber malt balances the clean, hop filled, bitter finish.

Consists: malt; barley; hops; yeast.

Netto weight: 1,7kg

Expiration date: look at product.

Store in cool and dry place.

Thomas Coopers Bootmaker Pale Ale (1.7kg)


It has a rich amber colour, toffee malt flavours, citrus and pine hop aromas, a refreshing bitter finish and thick creamy head.

Consists: malt; barley; hops; yeast.

Netto weight: 1,7kg

Expiration date: look at product.

Store in cool and dry place.

Thomas Coopers Devil’s Half Ruby Porter (1.7kg)


As black as the sinister night, this full bodied Porter has ruby hints, delicious chocolate toffee malt character, moderate bitterness with fruity hop notes and a rich creamy head. 

Consists: malt; barley; hops; yeast.

Netto weight: 1,7kg

Expiration date: look at product.

Store in cool and dry place.

Thomas Coopers Family Secret Amber Ale (1.7kg)


Rich deep copper in colour, this mid bodied Ale has a biscuity malt palate balanced by toffee caramel sweetness and a nutty finish with citrus hop notes.

Consists: malt; barley; hops; yeast.

Netto weight: 1,7kg

Expiration date: look at product.

Thomas Coopers Preacher’s Hefe Wheat (1.7kg)


Belgian style wheat beer. It’s a bright hazy gold with soft texture, banana and clove aromas, smooth creamy white head and refreshingly tart finish.

Consists: malt; barley; hops; yeast.

Netto weight: 1,7kg

Expiration date: look at product.

Store in cool and dry place.

Thomas Coopers Innkeeper’s Daughter (1.7kg)


Made in the tradition of the commercial brew, this Sparkling Ale has a deep golden amber colour and full malt driven palate. It displays distinctive fruitiness with banana esters, generous hops, a clean bitter finish and strong creamy head. 

Consists: malt; barley; hops; yeast.

Netto weight: 1,7kg

Expiration date: look at product.

Store in cool and dry place.

Kastanilaastud 50gr. Prantsuse


 Kastanilaastud 50gr. Prantsuse

2-5 Gr/ 1L

Ameerika tammelaastud 50gr.


Ameerika tammelaastud 50gr.

Prantsuse tammelaastud 50gr.


Prantsuse tammelaastud 50gr.

2-5 Gr/ 1L

Kannupoisi Tume


Kannupoisi maltoosast saab tumeda ale tüüpi õlu, milles segunevad karamell ja humala mõrkjus.

Komplekt sisaldab:
Linnaseekstrakt humalaga 2L

20 liitri koduõlle pruulimiseks. 800g suhkru lisamisel tuleb kangust ligikaudu 5% mahust.

Rüütli Rüübe


Rüütli linnaseekstraktist valmib vaskne, mahe ja kergelt humalane ale tüüpi õlu, mille järelmaitses on ploomi.

Komplekt sisaldab:
Linnaseekstrakt humalaga 2L
Õllepärm 8g

20 liitri koduõlle pruulimiseks. 800g suhkru lisamisel tuleb kangust ligikaudu

Kleebitav termomeeter kääritusnõule


Kleebitav termomeeter kääritusnõule

Veini ja õlle kääritus tünn 250L liitrit sangaga


Veini ja õlle kääritus tünn  250L liitrit Spiedel